Talks for Life

These five talks draw out what it means to be part of our University community – the local and global nature of our learning and work together, especially in this world changing time.

This series of talks explore:

  • What am I?
  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • Where am I?
  • How can I become the person I want to be?

These questions are personal and universal. They are questions that provide space for doubt, for curiosity, for affirmation, for sharing emotions and dreams and fears. There are no single answers. And they are questions which are essential to delivering to the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals and the University’s 2030 strategy.

We hope that these talks will enable you to:

  • Have a strong sense of how valuable you are as people who can make a difference. 
  • Have a grasp of why compassionate action matters, and the ways in which compassion can bring about individual, communal, societal and ecological change - acts of kindness. 
  • Have an understanding of some of the global challenges facing the world with inspirational examples of initiatives to help solve the problems - thinking global in a local context, repurposing new solutions for old problems, and old solutions for new problems 
  • Have the courage to ask unanswerable questions, and to share thoughts, feelings, worries, dreams, ambitions and hope.