Support and resources

Find out about the support you will receive during your studies.


Academic Support

Your Programme Directors and course tutors are available to discuss academic matters via the course discussion boards,  email or video call.

IT Support

The University's lnformation Skills Helpline offers IT support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Student Advisor

Our current students can also contact our Student Advisor if they have questions about study interruptions, special circumstances, extensions advice and application guidance, or need support for mental and physical wellbeing and registering with the Disability and Learning support service. You will be connected to our Student Advisor once you've matriculated.

Link to A-Z list of student support services


The University of Edinburgh prioritises student learning and invests in improving a student’s ability to make the most of this exciting experience. Access to e-books and journals is provided electronically through the University of Edinburgh Library.

The University's Institute of Academic Development offer online courses and resources to help you improve on skills. Free courses available include academic writing, time management and critical thinking.

Related Links

Entry Requirements

How to apply