Imagining Global Health with Justice: Ebola and Impoverished People and Health Systems

Hosted by The Global Health Academy, Global Justice Academy and Mason Institute

Imagining Global Health with Justice: Ebola and Impoverished People and Health Systems

Speaker: Professor Lawrence O Gostin (Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Public Health Law & Human Rights) Chair: Professor Graeme Laurie, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, School of Law - Panellists: Dr Liz Grant, Director of the Global Health Academy; Dr Shawn Harmon, Deputy Director of the Mason Institute, and Dr John Gillies, Chair, RCGP, Scotland

Monday 27 October 2014, 4.00pm

Monday 27 October 2014, 6.00pm

Playfair Library, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh

Further information and registration

L Gostin dynamic