Publications Archive 2006-2012

Some publications from Global Health Academy members

Global Health Academy Members at the University of Edinburgh now have the 'Global Health Academy' linked to their Edinburgh Research Explorer (ERE) profiles, where further publications can be found

Note: The linking of ERE content with the Global Health Academy does not confer 'ownership' of that content to the GHA


  • Global Framework for Noncommunicable Diseases: How Can We Monitor Palliative Care?Liliana De Lima, Roberto Wenk, Eric Krakauer, Frank Ferris, Michael Bennett, Scott Murray, Eduardo Bruera, and Lukas Radbruch. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 2012 In Press
  • How big is the ‘next big thing’? Estimating the burden of non– communicable diseases in low– and middle–income countries.Kit Yee Chan, Davies Adeloye, Liz Grant, Ivana Kolčić, Ana MarušićJournal of Global Health 2012; 2:
  • An estimate of the prevalence of dementia in Africa: A systematic analysis.Rhiannon George-Carey, Davies Adeloye, Kit Yee Chan, Abigail Paul, Ivana Kolčić, Harry Campbell, Igor RudanJournal of Global Health 2012; 2:
  • Optimizing community case management strategies to achieve equitable reduction of childhood pneumonia mortality: An application of Equitable Impact Sensitive Tool (EQUIST) in five low– and middle–income countries.Donald Waters, Evropi Theodoratou, Harry Campbell, Igor Rudan, Mickey Chopra.Journal of Global Health 2012; 2:
  • Estimating the incidence of colorectal cancer in Sub–Saharan Africa: A systematic analysis.Alice Graham, Davies Adeloye, Liz Grant, Evropi Theodoratou, Harry CampbellJournal of Global Health 2012; 2:


  • Palliative care making a difference in rural Uganda, Kenya and Malawi: three rapid evaluation field studies.Grant L, Brown J, Leng M, Bettega N, Murray SA.BMC Palliat Care. 2011 May 12;10:8.
  • Logie D, Grant L, Leng M and Murray SA. Mentoring palliative care staff in low-income countries has benefits for all. EJPC, 2011;18(5).
  • Grant L, Downing J, Namukwaya E, Leng M & Murray SA. Palliative care in Africa since 2005: good progress, but much further to go. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2011
  • Sikasote J, Grant L, Chinn D, Macwangi M & Murray SA. Voluntary counselling and testing for HIV in a Zambian mining community : serial interviews with people testing negative. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2011


  • Theodoratou E, Johnson S, Jhass A, Madhi SA, Clark A, Boschi-Pinto C, Bhopal S, Rudan I, Campbell H. The effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines on childhood pneumonia incidence, severe morbidity and mortality Int J Epidemiol 2010: Suppl 1:i172-85.
  • Theodoratou E, Al-Jilaihaw S, Woodward F, Ferguson J, Jhass A, Balliet M, Kolcic I, Duke T, Rudan I, Campbell H. The effect of case management on childhood pneumonia mortality in developing countries Int J Epidemiol 2010: Suppl 1:i155-71.
  • Jabeen A, Theodoratou E, Yakoob MY, Eisele TP, Ferguson J, Jhass A, Rudan I, Campbell H, Black RE, Haider BA, Bhutta ZA. Preventive zinc supplementation on mortality due to diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Julia Webster1*, Evropi Theodoratou1*, Harish Nair1,2, Lina Zgaga1, Tanvir Huda2, Hope Johnson3, Shabir Madhi4, Craig Rubens5, Shams El Arifeen2, Harry Campbell1 and Igor Rudan1,6 An evaluation of emerging vaccines for childhood pneumococcal pneumonia BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Debajeet Choudhuri1*, Tanvir Huda2*, Evropi Theodoratou1*, Harish Nair1,3, Lina Zgaga1, Rachel Falconer1, Ivana Luksic4, Ray Borrow5, Harry Campbell1 and Igor Rudan1,6 An Evaluation of Emerging Vaccines for Childhood Meningococcal Disease BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Daisy Higginson1*, Evropi Theodoratou1*, Harish Nair1,2, Lina Zgaga1, Tanvir Huda3, Suresh Jadhav4, Saad B. Omer5, Harry Campbell1 and Igor Rudan1,6 An Evaluation of the Emerging Interventions against Measles: Respiratory administration of measles vaccine BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Choon Seong Ang1, Evropi Theodoratou1, Harish Nair1,2, Lina Zgaga1, Tanvir Huda3, Abdulah Brooks3, Ryoko Krause4, Igor Rudan1,5 and Harry Campbell1 An evaluation of emerging common protein vaccines for seasonal flu BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Alastair G Catto1, Lina Zgaga1, Evropi Theodoratou1, Tanvir Huda2, Harish Nair1,2, Igor Rudan1,3, Trevor Duke4 and Harry Campbell1 An Evaluation of Oxygen Systems to Reduce Childhood Mortality from Pneumonia BMC Public Health 2010: under review
  • Jackson S, Steer AC, Campbell H. Estimation of global burden of non-suppurative sequelae of upper respiratory tract infection: rheumatic fever and post streptococcal glomerulonephritis Trop Med Int Health 2010: in press


  • Chandy E, McCarthy J. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: What is the most appropriate treatment for giardiasis? J Trop Pediatr 2009; 55: 5-7
  • Subhi R, Adamson M, Campbell H, Weber M, Smith K, Ashraf H, Berkley J, Bose A, Brent A, Brooks WA, Bruce N, Chisti MJ, Gessner BD, Gyr N, Mwaniki M, Nadjm B, Nokes DJ, Okiro EA, Reyburn H, Sutanto A, Zaman A, Duke T. The burden of hypoxaemia among children in developing countries. Lancet Infect Dis 2009: 9: 219-27
  • Calder D, Qazi S. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: What is the Aetiology of Pneumonia in HIV-infected Children in Developing Countries? J Trop Paeds 2009; 55: 219 - 224.
  • Ford A. Campbell H, Duke T. Pathogens and treatment of chronic diarrhoea in HIV. J Trop Paeds 2009; 55: 349-55


  • Bulteel N, Henderson P. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children. What are the risks of formula feeding in children of HIV-infected mothers? J Trop Pediatr. 2007; 53: 370-3. 5. Best J, Hughes S. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children—What are the Useful Clinical Features of Bacterial Meningitis Found in Infants and Children? J Trop Pediatr 2008; 54: 83-86
  • Woodfield J, Re P, Argent A. Evidence Behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: What is the Most Appropriate Anti-microbial Treatment for Tuberculous Meningitis? J Trop Pediatr 2008 54: 220-224
  • Woodfield G, Dugdale A. Evidence Behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: What is the Most Effective Antibiotic Regime for Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Children? J Trop Pediatr 2008; 54: 151-156
  • Thurey J, Molyneux E. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: The Usefulness of Azole Prophylaxis against Cryptococcal Meningitis in HIV-positive children. J Trop Pediatr 2008; 54: 361-363


  • Wijesingha S, Graham S. J Trop Pediatr. 2007 Feb;53(1):4-7. Evidence behind the WHO guidelines: hospital care for children. What are the clinical indicators of PCP? J Trop Pediatr. 2007; 53(1): 4-7.
  • Bulteel N, Henderson P. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children. What are the risks of HIV transmission through breast feeding? J Trop Pediatr. 2007; 53: 298-302.


  • McCallum AD, Duke T. Evidence behind the WHO Guidelines: Hospital Care for Children: Is Caffeine Useful in the Prevention of Apnoea of Prematurity? J Trop Pediatr. 2006; 53: 76-7