PallCHASE is a network of global partners working to support palliative care in humanitarian settings and emergencies. Hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Image Supporting palliative care in humanitarian settings and emergencies Palliative care is largely missing from humanitarian responses. The goals of humanitarian healthcare are “to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity.” As the need for humanitarian interventions increases, humanitarian organisations have identified the need for greater skills and attention in relation to palliative care. PallCHASE has been set up by partners who are already experts in the field of Palliative Care. The network is hosted by the University of Edinburgh. Visit PallCHASE website Mission PallCHASE’s mission is to: Advocate for the integration of palliative care integration in humanitarian situations or emergencies Create a platform to develop, showcase and endorse palliative care and humanitarian sector integration, standards and policy and opportunities for training within humanitarian situations or emergencies Support the development of a robust, high quality, ethical evidence base for palliative care within humanitarian situations and emergencies Events PallCHASE Webinar Series - 2024 - Save the date Further details regarding topic, speaker and registration details will be shared nearer the time. Image PallCHASE Webinar Series - July 17th or July 18th 2024 Image Please choose one date to register with the following links, based on your time zone and availability – both sessions are identical, and are 90 minutes in length. July 17th, 2024 – 3pm London time – click here to register July 18th, 2024 – 8am London time – click here to register PallCHASE Webinar Series - Past Webinars Visit the PallCHASE webinar page to access all previous webinar recordings and written summaries (direct links to recordings of each past webinar are also provided below). Webinar #13: Integrating Palliative Care in Emergency Responses (24th/25th April 2024) Recording of Webinar #13 on PALLCHASE network YouTube Channel Webinar #12: Psychosocial and Spiritual Care in situations of Trauma and Humanitarian Crises (24th/25th January 2024) Recording of Webinar #12 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #11: Hidden Lives, Hidden Patients – Compassionate Communication in Palliative Care (25th/26th October 2023) Recording of Webinar #11 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #10: Hidden Lives, Hidden Patients - Pain and Symptom Management in Humanitarian Settings (26th/27th July 2023) Recording of Webinar #10 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #9: Hidden Lives, Hidden Patients – How to plan and implement palliative care programming in humanitarian settings (19th/20th April 2023) Recording of Webinar #9 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #8: Healing in Hidden Conflicts - Perspectives on Palliative Care (18th/19th January 2023) Recording of Webinar #8 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #7: Paediatric Palliative Care Research in Conflict Settings: Emerging Evidence from the Middle East Region (19th/20th October 2022) Recording of Webinar#7 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #6: - War and Conflict. Trauma-Informed Care (July 20th 2022) Recording of Webinar #6 on PallCHASE Network YouTube Channel Webinar #5 – Adapting Palliative Care Responses to Conflict Settings: Supporting palliative care in Ukraine (20th April 2022) Recording of Webinar #5 on PallCHASE Network YouTube channel Webinar #4: Communication, storytelling and experience on the margins: journey of understanding for humanitarian palliative care (19th January 2022) Recording of Webinar #4 on PallCHASE Network YouTube channel Webinar #3 - Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Palliative Care: No One Should be Left Behind (20th October 2021) Recording of Webinar #3 on PallCHASE Network YouTube channel Webinar #2: Experiences from the field: Experiences from the Field: Integrating Palliative Care into Protracted Humanitarian Crises (21st July 2021) Recording of Webinar #2 on PallCHASE Network YouTube channel Webinar #1: Perspectives on the Integration of Palliative Care into Humanitarian Settings (21st April 2021) Recording of Webinar #1 on PallCHASE Network YouTube channel New members very welcome Image Please click here to join PallCHASE Quarterly Newsletters Quarterly newsletters are produced by PallCHASE - below are the links to the newsletters published in 2023. Link to January 2023 Newsletter Link to April 2023 Newsletter Impact As part of PallCHASE’s advocacy work Palliative Care is now included in the 2018 edition of the “Sphere Handbook Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response”. This handbook sets out the principles of humanitarian working and the universal minimum standards required in humanitarian responses: Read more in the Sphere Handbook Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. Sphere Handbook Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response: Palliative care standard 2.7: “People in crisis should have access to palliative and end-of-life care that relieves pain and suffering; that maximises the comfort, dignity and quality of life; and that provides support for family members.” This article was published on 2024-09-24