Claudia Pagliari and colleagues argue in this important paper that many digital good governance interventions are driven by an assumption that transparency alone will effect change; however responsive feedback mechanisms are also likely to be necessary. Work with digital literacy at the University of Edinburgh has built up a unique resource which can begin to shift the framework within which good care is delivered .Claudia is the Director of eHealth for the GHA. In this role she convenes the Digital Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology group.Claudia is Convener of the eHealth Interdisciplinary Research Group, Director of the MSc in Global eHealth. She is also a member of the Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation (Executive), the Alan Turing Institute, the Social Informatics Cluster, and the Edinburgh Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Group.Claudia Pagliari profileThe Digital Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology group (DDSE), is an interdisciplinary network of researchers interested in the use of digital technologies and data to understand the spread and evolution of infectious and non-communicable diseases in populations and across countries. This includes information that is captured when people use the internet and social media to report or talk about health and disease, mobile phone networks that can show how information flows during health crises, digital devices that collect health data in communities, and global information platforms that can be used to integrate this information so it can be best used. Such data and networks can be used to speed up processes such as identifying new strains, predicting outbreaks, diagnosing disease, planning targeted public health interventions, and helping to coordinate rapid responses to natural disasters, for example.Technology tackles healthcare corruption - University central newsRead the full paper on the Journal of Global Health site Publication date 12 Sep, 2016